Monday, 26 September 2022 08:38

SAASST Participates in the 73rd IAC Paris Meeting with 16 Papers

The Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) is participating in the 73rd International Astronautical Congress in Paris for the period of Sep. 18-22, 2022, with an exceptional number of 16 papers.

With the theme Space for @ll, the IAC is bringing together all space communities, alongside the burgeoning global ecosystem and start-ups, entrepreneurs, laboratories, research scientists and manufacturers that could get involved in space activities or benefit from them. Special attention will be paid to students and young professionals, who will be closely associated through dedicated events.

Several SAASST research assistants from the different research laboratories will be presenting the research being done at the academy. SAASST participation highlights the level of the high competitiveness of the academy at the international level with all of its research laboratories from the CubeSat Lab, Space Weather and Ionospheric Lab, the Meteorite Center, the Radio Astronomy Lab, the Space Artificial Intelligence Lab, and the High Energy Astrophysics Lab.

Below are the papers presented at the 73rd IAC Paris Meeting:

"Present and Future Space Exploration in the United Arab Emirates," Ilias Fernini, Hamid Al-Naimiy


"Building a Solar Radio Spectrometer," Mohammad Baker Rihan, Ilias Fernini, Ismail Zein, Abdullah Atoui, Issam Abujami, Anas Adwan, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"Diurnal and Seasonal Variations of GNSS Based Ionospheric Slab Thickness over Arabian Peninsula," Muhammad Mubasshir Shaikh, Abdollah M Darya, Sultan Suhail, Manar Anwer Abusirdaneh, Sahar Sowdagar, Ilias Fernini, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"A GPS Simulator for the Design and Development of a Future Low-Cost GNSS," Sultan Suhail, Muhammad Mubasshir Shaikh, Ilias Fernini, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"GPS Carrier-to-Noise Density Prediction Using Regression Trees," Abdollah Darya, Khawla Alnajjar, Muhammad Mubasshir Shaikh, Saeed Abdallah, Ilias Fernini, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


“The iXRD on Sharjah-Sat-1 CubeSat, the Science Mission and Ground Calibration,” Emrah Kalemci, Fatima Alketbi, Yousuf Faroukh, Ali Murteza Altingun, Tarifa AlKaabi, Amel Alhammadi,  Maryam Alansaari, Ayhan Bozkurt, Ilias Fernini, Alim R ̈ustem Aslan, Bogac Karabulut, Antonios Manousakis, Hamid Al Naimiy, Refik Yalcin, Kaya Gokalp


"The United Arab Emirates Next 50 Years of Space Exploration," Ilias Fernini, Hamid AL-Naimiy


"Calculating Station Bias for Uncalibrated GNSS Stations Uing Close-range Calibrated GNSS Station Data," Sahar Sowdagar, Muhammad Mubasshir Shaikh, Ilias Fernini, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"The Living Contribution of Islamic Science to Space Exploration," Ilias Fernini, Hamid Al-Naimiy


"Human and Technological Capacity Building Through the Sharjah-Sat-1," Tarifa AlKaabi, Ilias Fernini, Yousuf Faroukh, Fatima Alketbi, Amel Alhammadi, Maryam Alansaari, Alim Rustem Aslan,  Bogac Karabulut, Emrah Kalemci, Hamid M.K. Al-Naimiy


"Sharjah-Sat-1 Structural Design and Analysis," Maryam Alansaari, Tarifa AlKaabi, Fatima Alketbi, Yousuf Faroukh, Ibrahim Alsabt, Mohamed BinAshour, Amel Alhammadi, Ilias Fernini, Onur  ̈Oztekin, Egemen Catal, Bogac Karabulut, Alim Rustem Aslan, Hamid M.K. Al-Naimiy


“Sharjah-Sat-1 Space-to-Ground Telecommunication Operations,” Ibrahim Alsabt, Yousuf Faroukh, Amel Alhammadi, Tarifa AlKaabi, Fatima Alketbi, Maryam Alansaari, Mohamed BinAshour, Ilias Fernini, Emirhan Eser G ̈ul, Bogac Karabulut, Alim Rustem Aslan, Emrah Kalemci, Hamid M.K. Al-Naimiy


"Reconstruction of Incoherent Scatter Radar Vertical Electron Density Profiles Using Regression Trees," Manar Anwer Abusirdaneh, Abdollah Darya, Ilias Fernini, Muhammad Mubasshir Shaikh, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"Accretion environment in sgHMXB with small satellites" Antonios Manousakis, Noora Alameri, Maryam Al-Qasimi, Ilias Fernini, Hamid AlNaimy


"Multipurpose Approaches for mapping and Analyzing Meteorites," Masa Alnaser, Ilias Fernini, Salma Subhi, Maryam Sharif, Aisha Alowais, Hamid M. K. Alnaimy


"Supervised Machine Learning Applications on Meteors and Meteorites," Aisha Alowais, Maryam Sharif, Ilias Fernini, Antonios Manousakis